
Territory is a metal band formed in 2008, in Montevideo, created by Marth, Abel and, Xerpa, renowned musicians from the local scene and from the beginning they tried to have their own style and sound, different from the bands of their country.
The founders of the band worked hard to be something innovative and different.
The band has already made several tours and in addition shows a considerable amount of international character.
In 2009 they released their first EP "Fire Inside", that got great reviews and feedback.
In 2011 they released with Sleaszy Rider Records , their first Studio Album called "Killer Instinct", containing ten tracks. This album has a modern sound and has had great acceptation in Europe.
In 2014 they released with Sleaszy Rider Records , their second Studio Album called "The Curse", containing eight tracks.

Current Line-up:
  • Jason  (Vocals)
  • Marth (Guitars)
  • Gino   (Drums)
  • Tizo    (Keyboards)
  • Zerpa  (Bass)